10 Cool Camping Gadgets That You Didn’t Know You Needed

man holding a camping mug near a camping stove

Not at all camping is created equal. There’s car camping and tent camping; camping with friends and camping with kids; backpacking and rv’ing. You could land in a rustic site or an all-amenities campground; start your morning with a hot shower or a polar plunge. 

Despite it all, there is one thing that stays the same—the need for some all-time camping gadgets. Whatever under-the-stars situation we find ourselves in, you can bet this list of must-have camping gear & gadgets is coming with us.

The Best Camping Gear

We’re gonna go ahead and assume you’ve already got the camping essentials taken care of—tent, sleeping bags, flashlight—the basics that you can find in pretty much any campsite.

Instead, we’re going to focus on cool camping gadgets that might not have otherwise made your packing list. Because honestly, better gear makes for a better time and the better time you have, the more likely you are to do it again. And, well, shit. We really love camping.

1. Luci Solar Lights

Solar-powered gear and camping make a magical duo. You’re outdoors all day, you’re usually outlet-free and yet, you still have modern needs for ya know, lights and stuff. 

These Luci Solar Lights are not only powered entirely by the sun, but they’re bright enough to light the path to the pit-toilet or keep the evening Go Fish game alive. The inflatable design means they’re incredibly compact, lightweight and easy to bring along as a lantern on an evening hike or backpacking trip. You can charge them up with just a few hours of direct sunlight, then sip that solar-light for hours and hours on end. 

There’s even a fun colored version of the Luci light if you’re looking for extra ambience points. Or, or, or—a Luci light with a USB charger for the multi-tasking camper. 

Bonus: These little lanterns are super durable and waterproof, making them great for a kayaking adventure, boating trip or midnight skinny dipping sesh.

2. Foldable Solar Charger

While we’re still thinking about solar-powered things, let’s jump over to the ultimate modern-day camping essential: a hyper-portable, foldable solar charger. This solar charger has so much going for it—it’s compact, lightweight and super effective in keeping small devices like your cell phone fully charged.

There’s a lot to love about this solar charger. There’s two USB ports for double the charging power. The foldable design makes it easy to bring on daytime adventures. It’s speedy and reliably gives a full charge or two on sunny days. 

Of course, if your camping trip is all rain and clouds, you’ll struggle with this guy. Mother Nature can be fickle. But that’s the charm of camping, right? 

3. Rechargeable Headlamp

I know that it seems bananas to spend nearly $150 on a headlamp. And you’re not wrong. In all honesty, I got my unreasonably expensive, rechargeable headlamp from a gear promotion with a previous job. But, if it ever broke (which it hasn’t in 8 years of ownership), I would gladly pay the price to repurchase this bad boy. 

Why? Because it is extremely bright, the battery lasts forever, and it easily recharges anytime there’s a USB port handy. (Hint: the foldable solar charger we talked about makes a great partner to this headlamp.) 

Also, it beats a flashlight or lantern by a mile since you can wear it on your head. Look ma, no hands.

I’ve had the twenty dollar headlamps and it’s true, they hold the power of illumination. But when compared to this headlamp? It’s like putting the flame from a lighter against a police spotlight. 

It’s intense. Maybe overkill. But it’s one of my most treasured pieces of camping gear, and an absolute must-have. 

(Also, you don’t have to pay top dollar. There’s plenty of super affordable versions—like this one. It’s the complete package with a bright LED light, waterproof design, USB charger and a $25 price tag.)

4. Compact Stove

Speaking of must-haves, you can go ahead and add this ultra-light cooking stove to your cart now. I know it seems like a hardcore backcountry survival tool (which it can be) but honestly, this little pocket stove is just as great for a mid-hike cup of coffee or lazy, half-in-the-tent cooking sesh. 

While car camping, this little powerhouse makes a great backup if anything in your formal camping kitchen goes down.

If you’re in a tent or doing some backcountry exploration, you might find that he’s your go-to burner. In any case, this small but mighty stove is quick to set up, simply to clean and incredibly compact. All of this makes it a great addition to any campsite cooking kit.

Just make sure you pack a lighter and fuel canister alongside it!

5. Fire Starter 

If you’re planning to spend some time around the campfire this trip, then you’ll be happy you packed some fire starters. I know, I know. We all want to believe that we’ve mastered the fundamental skill of fire building. 

But the truth is, most people are awful at building fires, even if they do embrace the ‘small-to-big’ design. (You know, starting with small pieces of kindling then adding progressively larger pieces as the burn stabilizes. You do know this part, right?!)

Whether you do or don’t feel confident in your fire building skills, you’ll be happy to have a head start. 

Fun covid-friendly tip: If you’ve already used your last fire starter, hand sanitizer makes a great fire accelerant. Squirt some on the campfire for a real flame booster.

6. Water Filtering Pump

We’ll stick with the primal theme and move from fire to water. Almost all campgrounds come with a potable water supply for drinking, brushing your teeth and boiling water for the ever important Kraft mac n’ cheese. 

But when you leave the campsite to hike around the mountains, things get tricky. We love the security of having this water filtering pump stashed in our backpack during any outdoor adventure.

Especially around Lake Tahoe where the alpine lakes are so clean and fresh, this water filter device is great to have around. It’s a lightweight, portable and can safely filter out any sediment or microorganisms that could potentially make you sick.

If you’re backpacking, it could prove a bit of a survival necessity. If you’re doing day excursions, it’s simply nice to have. 

This particular design is nice because you’re able to pump water into any container or even your parched mouth. It takes seconds to get setup and can filter water quickly, filling up your Nalgene in minutes. 

7. Battery Operated String Lights 

Fire, water, food, shelter, battery operated string lights? We’re pretty sure that all of those are survival necessities.

Or at least they should be. Because no matter who you are, what kind of camping you’re doing or where you’re doing it—these lights are so fun to have. 

We can pretend that these lights have nothing to do with getting the perfect Instagram shot, but let’s be honest; the mood these things set has the potential to generate your most liked photo of all time.

There’s other things to like too. Like the fact that they’re waterproof (no worries in the rain), bright (see ya heavy lantern) and lend a homey touch to the great outdoors.

But namely that they’re battery operated, so they can light up any tent, picnic table or awning with ease.

8. Dry Bag

Some things in the great outdoors are guaranteed; like bug bites, at least one bad night of sleep and epic memories. But others—like the weather—you can never count on.

Which is where one of our all-time favorite camping accessories comes into play. The dry bag. Actually, this one is an all-time favorite no matter the outdoor adventure.

It does exactly what you’d expect. You roll and clip the backpack opening to seal out moisture, making an entirely waterproof bag for all of your everything.

We feel like we hear this ‘waterproof’ claim a lot, especially int the bag world. But a dry bag is a heavy-duty, portable, capable and lightweight piece of gear that will 10000% protect your belongings from dust, rain, sweat, whatever.

It really is the ultimate adventure pack. Not quite sold? You can test the waters with a more price friendly version. (Like this one that starts at just $12.)

9. Portable French Press

Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to how to make coffee while camping. And you know, it’s an important topic. There is nothing, definitively nothing, that could be better than a hot cup of joe when you roll out of that sleeping bag.

While we’d love to be the type to just cowboy it over an open fire, we’ll be honest—we bring a french press.

This one in particular is the best because it’s stainless steel, insulated, super durable and can make four cups in one sitting.

We’ve tried the pour overs and the Aeropress. We’ve tried it all. And the french press simply wins out as the best camping coffee tool there is.

Now, we’re not always ambitious. So the next best (or maybe first best) option? High-quality, instant coffee packets. It’s just too easy.

10. Female Urination Device

Last but not least, the MVP of my “van down by the river” days—the female urination device. A clever creation that makes it easy for women to pee in any situation they find themselves in, this handheld funnel is more of a life essential than a cool camping gadget.

Ladies, you know the feeling. Your male friends pee with grace on a roadside or off the hiking trail, and you squat in misery or hold it until a better option appears. This little guy allows you relief whenever the feeling strikes. You can stand and pee now! It’s discreet and easy-to-use, even if it does feel bizarre the first few times.

Just, uh, maybe practice in the shower a few times first. It’s not hard to use, but then again, no one wants pee on their shoes. 

Et voilà! You officially have everything you need for the best camping trip ever.

I mean, the sleeping bag and tent still need to get packed. But we promise you’ll never want to camp without a festive string of LED fairy lights illuminating your campsite ever again.

Need ideas on where to go camping? We know of a few good campgrounds!  

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